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Celebration of the Local Village Network Community

The community came together on the night of Friday 6th of May to celebrate the Power of Networks and the achievements of grassroots charity Local Village Network (LVN). Over 500 people attended the event, with attendees ranging from students to exhibitors, musicians, MP’s, , tutors, parents, other businesses and supporters. Held at the Business Design Centre in Angel, Islington the night was a huge success thanks to the BDC’s generous donation of the room. Over 100 students from City and Islington College helped LVN organise the event. Fawaz Adekunle, a student at the College said, “Thank you to LVN for this amazing opportunity, it’s really helped me understand the challenges of putting on a huge event and of pushing myself out of my comfort zone.”

35 local youth provisions exhibited at the event and were delighted with the youth engagement. James Dellow from youth club Soapbox said “We had over 30 young people sign up; this is one of the best events I’ve ever attended. The atmosphere was brilliant”

The event saw local musicians and singers take to the stage including youngsters from Amberleigh Music Group, Jack on the Sax and LVN Trustee Maxwell D.

Awards were presented by Local Village Network on the night, to the people and companies who support LVN and have made a substantial impact to their companies and the LVN Charity in the last 24 months.

And the winners were….

Corporate Social Responsibility Award Deutsche Bank

Community Business Award Open Marketing Agency

School Engagement Award Bishop Challoner School

Community Award Met Police Officer Hayley Lazarus, and Barnet Council 106 Officer Cali Ibrahim

College Engagement Award Lee Kennedy and Prab Tailor - City and Islington College Tutors

Volunteer Award Francis Stephens - Social Worker

Youth achievement award Yasmine Jones and Olivia Reardon - City and Islington students

MP Emily Thornberry attended to give out the awards. She commented on the success of the night, stating “I applaud the efforts of everybody here, helping to ensure the talent in this room is given the proper opportunity to flourish”.

Rachael Box, CEO and Founder of Local Village Network finished off with her thoughts on the night. “Tonight was an amazing example of how our community can come together to build networks and support young people to fulfil their dreams.”

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